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Belfast marina at night

We arrived in Belfast – Northern Ireland

After returning from London, our plan for a smooth transition to Ireland faced unexpected delays due to persistent winds in Greenock. When the weather finally cooperated, we set sail, rediscovering the joys and challenges of life on the water. Anchoring near Belfast channel entrance before navigating the shipping channel to our marina in the vibrant Titanic Quarter.

Cookies before they were baked

Halfway to Norway

On their 560NM journey to Norway, the crew experienced good sailing until their speed dropped to 3.5 knots. Challenging swells resulted in discomfort aboard, with Steve occupying the only comfortable spot. Amid burnt cookies and book-reading challenges, they’ve had dolphin encounters but feel the isolation keenly, especially over deep waters. They’re now acclimating to life at sea.

Steve sleeping in the cockpit

We are Heading South to Norway

On 11th August 2023, our group’s boats split, with two of us venturing south, anticipating fair weather. We’re ready for our longest passage of the year, altering our route due to military-imposed no-go zones. We’re bracing for days of motoring, upwind sailing, and the comfort of fresh bread. Steve jokingly challenged Sarah to finish her book, facing a sleepy co-sailor and extra work. Connection resumes in 3-4 days.