16th June 23
We are really enjoying the landscape in Lofoten and is not in a hurry to get to Tromsø as the wind does not look like a crossing to Svalbard the next week or so. So we are spending the time visiting places along coast.
Yesterday we decided to go to Henningsvær which has a small art museum Kavifactory. We needed some cultural inputs at this point. The building is really interesting; big windows with a view to the mountains that is in contrast to the modern art exhibited. It is not very big but great to get an injection of art.
We had burgers for lunch at Klatrekaféen which was ok but not amazing. We also went to see the local glass blower which had some very pretty wine glasses that would live a day on a boat.
We had planned to go out, but found an eggplant that needed to be used and Sarah started a crazy and very slow process of making eggplant carpaccio. 2 hours later the mood was more for staying in and having whisky while playing cards and a stupid food quiz. Neither of us enjoy games with facts, but we completed it and now we know that Pepsi was once called Burt’s drink